

  • Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 (recommended)
  • Django 3.2 LTS, and 4.2 LTS (recommended)
  • PostgreSQL (recommended), MySQL, Oracle Database and SQLite

Constrained by What Python version can I use with Django?

Get started

New in Spirit 0.5

Latest version can be installed through pip:

  1. Install Spirit:

    pip install django-spirit
  2. Start your site:

    spirit startproject mysite
  3. Set up the database:

    cd mysite
    python spiritinstall
  4. Create an administrator account:

    python createsuperuser
    python runserver

Now sign in at

Side notes

This will run using the developer settings. Running a production site is out of the scope of this documentation. However there are many guides about running a Django site out there.

Here are some hints:

  • On production, create a, import the production settings from .prod import * and override settings such as DATABASES and ALLOWED_HOSTS.
  • Gunicorn and Nginx are a common way of running Python sites.
  • An email server is required. There are self-hosted ones (ie: exim), and managed ones (ie: Postmark).
  • A search engine is required. Woosh comes configured by default, however is quite slow. A better choice may be elastic-search.